
Extra credit-conference proposals

The third meeting with writing tutors was about conference proposals. They were talking about why to write proposals,what to include/exclude and how to write for this audience.
Writing a proposal (sometimes called an abstract) for an academic conference can be difficult, especially for graduate students who are new to the process. The key to a successful proposal is knowing what kind of information to include and how to frame it. With some heavy editing, however, you can make even a still-nascent idea sound like a wonderful paper. they also give us some tips for writing this:
Do not fear rejection. Conference papers are chosen for a variety of reasons, and a topic's merit is only one of them. Often, organizers are more interested in choosing papers with related themes rather than simply choosing the best papers, so do not be discouraged by rejection. Just try again.

Extra credit-resume writing

                         The second meeting with writing tutors was how to write a good resumeSuccess in finding your dream job depends largely upon having a dynamite resume. .Writing a great resume does not necessarily mean you should follow the rules you hear through the grapevine. It does not have to be one page or follow a specific resume format. Every resume is a one-of-a-kind marketing communication. It should be appropriate to your situation and do exactly what you want it to do. Instead of a bunch of rules and tips, they were going to cut to the chase in a brief guide and offer people the most basic principles of writing a highly effective resume.
Best sample resumes  will guide you, through the entire process as you:
Develop a winning resume strategy
Write each line of your resume to make the most of your qualification
Create a great format for your resume
Distribute new resume to employers

Extra credit-Plagiarism

First meeting was talking about Plagiarism. Plagiarism as defined by Quick Access Reference for Writers is "using someone else's intellectual property without permission or credit.During the meeting, those writing tutors were taught us some skills how to avoid plagiarism: Always document your sources; Acknowledge other ideas, words or images; become familar with citation style require by your discipline. There are kinds of knowledge needs to be documented:Quotations,summeries or parahases,ideas from a source,graphs,tables and statistical data, photographs, other people's expet iments, facts that aren't widely known, videos or sounds taken from another source. Sometimes people they are over citing also,they just have to make sure their voice is being projected and develop their own ideas. Those were very useful information and I learned a lot from this meeting.


Social network sites:definition,history,and scholorship

social network sites (SNSs) such as MySpace, Facebook, Cyworld, and Bebo have attracted millions of users. Some sites cater to diverse audiences, while others attract people based on common language or shared racial, sexual, religious, or nationality-based identities. Sites also vary in the extent to which they incorporate new information and communication tools, such as mobile connectivity, blogging, and photo/video-sharing.
In this article, is also mention the new technology about QQ in China. Every chinese people know about QQ and use it for communicate chatting tool. Tencent was founded in Shen zhen, China, in 11 November 1998, by Ma Huangteng. Tencent's instant messaging service platform "QQ" was formally launched in February 1999. After years of strong business growth, on July 16, 2004, Tencent Holdings Limited  went public.
Tencent QQ, generally referred to as QQ, is the most popular free instant message computer program in Main land China, and according to its statistics, the number of simultaneous online QQ accounts exceeds 100 million. In October 2010, QQ.com ranked 9th overall in Alexa's  Internet ranking just after Twitter ranked 10th.The program is maintained by Tencent Holdings Limited owned in part by Naspers. Since its entrance into Chinese households QQ quickly emerged as a modern cultural phenomenon, now being portrayed in popular culture. Aside from the chat program, QQ has also developed many subfeatures including games, virtual pets, ringtone downloads, etc.
