
Facebook Passes EBay in Value, Becoming No. 3 U.S. Web Company,private information shared,scary?

 Facebook Inc.’s estimated worth is now bigger than EBay Inc.’s valuation, making it the third- largest U.S. Internet business and underscoring the growing allure of social media for investors.
Facebook’s stock is trading at more than $16 on SecondMarket Inc., an exchange for shares of privately held companies, said a person familiar with the latest pricing data. That would put its worth at about $41 billion, more than EBay’s $39.3 billion valuation on the Nasdaq Stock Market. Facebook only trails Amazon.com Inc., worth $74.4 billion, and Google Inc., valued at $192.9 billion, among U.S. Internet companies.

1. Facebook Saves Things That Have Been Deleted
Whatever status updates or unglamorous pictures of you are still inside the server somewhere. A word of advice, think carefully and be tactful when uploading photos or making a status update.

2. Facebook Knows Your Viewing History
Log of clicks are used by Facebook to determine your viewing history. Hence, it knows whose photos you are going through.

3. Facebook Knows How Often You Interact With Or Click On The Profile Of A Given Person
Depending on the number of visits you made on your friend’s profile, Facebook uses this data as a method to judge who your good friends are. This is visible through Facebook search where your friends are not listed in alphabetical order but by the people who you interact most with.

4. Facebook Carries Out Psychological Tests On New Features
Instead of doing group sampling or beta testing on their new features, Facebook does the above plus eye ball tracking to get an idea of where you are looking at.

5. Facebook Employees Are Able To Retrieve Any Message You’ve Sent Out
Since all data are stored in the server, employees have the clearance to pull out any data about you through a simple query on your profile.

Whether the interview was a hoax or made-up, I think what’s more important is that people should be more tactful when they are online. In the real world, people may forgive and forget but in the virtual world, there are always traces of data that could be used against you.

